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Square Sports Center

The #1 Place for Sports Squares!

Square Sports Center's Key Features


Playing Square Sports Center is simple, fun, easy, and best of all FREE! We take the hassle out of managing sports squares so you can enjoy watching and playing! Play with friends or easily setup and manage your own sqaures.


Create Your Own Squares

Take the lead and manage your own squares! We make managing squares easy, efficient, and fun. Create and customize your squares for any game. Manage privacy, entries, users, square depth, winners, and more!


Mobile Web App

Square Sports Center is mobile friendly! Our mobile web app allows you to take Square Sports Center with you on the go so you can keep track of your squares from anywhere.


Mobile Web App

Whether you have an Android, iPhone, tablet, or PC, Square Sports Center will make managing your pools easy no matter what device you are on! All you have to do is navigate to our site in your mobile browser, click the settings in your mobile browser, and click "Add To Home Screen".

Square Sports Center on Different Devices